Rangoli Fashions is different because it provides services the others don’t such as: style assessments, alterations, personal shopping, and special ordering to customers during store hours and by personal appointments. Style Concierges who are trained within the Cloth industry will be available to customers on a daily basis. innovative Style Assessments and educational emphasis in helping women develop their personal styles will enhance our reputation as a truly unique boutique.
Our Vision
E-Commerce is increasingly influencing all industrial sectors and is changing entire business models.
Our Mission
We’re not talking about mission statements of what your company currently is, instead it’s, a vision is an
Shop with certainy with an extended 10 day returns policy
What We Do
Impressive Design
Rangoli Creation provides you with the best design is an integration of all the design elements, including color, texture, space, lines, pattern silhouette, shape, proportion, balance, emphasis or focal point, rhythm, and harmony.
High-quality materials
Each of these contributes to the visual perception and psychological comfort of the garment. Principles of illusion can be utilized in garment design to flatter the figure of the wearer.
Natural ingredients
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